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Bitcoin in Center of Dark Web Drug Dealing Case in Holland

Accused of laundering hundreds of thousands of euros through the digital currency Bitcoin, six men are facing charges in a Dutch court for apparently...

5 Cities That Let You Buy Real Estate with Bitcoin

Bitcoin is a next-gen, all-digital currency that’s already a global phenomenon. Developed with high levels of security and anonymity in mind, it’s touted as a...

ING Suggests Bitcoin Mining Consumes Too Much Electricity

According to an article published by Business Insider, Dutch bank ING recently published a study suggesting that bitcoin mining consumes too much electricity. The report...

Bitcoin Gold Prices Plummet 72% in Just Three Days

The hard fork that created Bitcoin Gold hasn't worked out for speculative investors thus far. On Oct. 23, Bitcoin Gold opened at $479.82, but has fallen...

SegWit2x Opponents Sound Off on Metronome

On Tuesday, Bloq — a crypto firm co-founded by SegWit2x developer Jeff Garzik — announced that it is developing Metronome, a cross-blockchain cryptocurrency that will...

As Bitcoin Price Hits Record Highs, Australia’s Government Considers Digital Currencies and Tax Implications

As bitcoin’s valued soared to record heights over the weekend, the Australian government heard evidence on digital currencies and its tax implications. On Saturday, bitcoin’s...