Tag: bitcoin crime


BTC-e’s Vinnik Rejects US Judgment, Offers to Help Putin with Expertise

Assumed BTC-e CEO Alexander Vinnik has publicly stated his innocence and even offered to help Vladimir Putin as a digital technology specialist. Speaking to Russia Today in...

Equifax Hackers Demanding $2.6 Mln in Bitcoin, Or Else

The recent hack of Equifax has created widespread concern among many Americans, as the hack has apparently exposed the private information of more than 143 million...

Russian Authorities Arrest Three Men for Large-Scale Illegal Bitcoin Sales

Russian authorities arrested three men in September 2017 for their alleged involvement in the large-scale “illegal” sale of the digital currency Bitcoin over the past few...

The IRS Has Tracked Bitcoin Tax Evaders Since 2015

There’s a common misconception among both legislators and the general public that bitcoin is an untraceable asset used exclusively by drug dealers, terrorists, and...

HBO’s $250,000 Bitcoin Parlay Fails as Hackers Continue Thefts

HBO says they are done playing games following a second hack that stole three more television shows. Hackers had initially stolen episodes of the...

WannaCry Aftermath: IoT Gets Blockchain Security Consortium

A UK university has partnered with an Indian tech institute to examine Blockchain protection against future cyberattacks like WannaCry. City University London and Indian Institute of...