Tag: zcash


Zk-Starks? New Take on Zcash Tech Could Power Truly Private Blockchains

"A myth," that's what one developer called it. At a meeting of the team behind the monero cryptocurrency last week, suspicion was high about a new item...

Edward Snowden: Zcash Is ‘Most Interesting Bitcoin Alternative’

NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden weighed in on anonymity-centric cryptocurrencies, calling Zcash the “most interesting bitcoin alternative.” Snowden, a former U.S. intelligence contractor who leaked National...

Better in Byzantium? Ethereum Takes Baby Steps Toward a Privacy Boost

Ethereum users may soon be getting a much-needed privacy boost. Long a shortcoming for all public blockchain networks, the world's second-largest blockchain is nonetheless aiming for big...

Bitcoin Meets Zcash: Developers Test Tool for Trustless Trades

An in-progress blockchain project could one day help users trade bitcoin for zcash without a trusted third party. Created by zcash developers Jay Graber and...

Venezuelan Bitcoin Miners Turning to Ethereum After Government Crackdown

An increasing number of Venezuelans are shifting to mining digital currencieslike Bitcoin so that they can afford to buy their basic needs and survive due to the...

Ethereum Meets Zcash? Why IPFS Plans a Multi-Blockchain Browser

The Interplanetary File System (IPFS) sounds like just the kind of futuristic protocol that would coalesce with blockchain, and its inventor, Juan Benet, has...