Tag: Microsoft


Microsoft CEO Issues Blockchain Challenge to Interbank Messaging Service Swift

Technology firm Microsoft chief executive officer (CEO) Satya Nadella has issued a challenge to the interbank messaging service Swift to develop ‘useful’ applications of...

From Messengers to Food Reviews, Companies Incorporate Blockchain into Apps

In 2017, ICOs have collectively raised over $2.3 bln. Many of these startups received millions in contributions without even a working prototype of their...

US State Department to Host Blockchain Forum on October 10

The US State Department will host a forum on Blockchain on Oct. 10. The event will take place in George C. Marshall Center, Washington, DC where...

IBM’s Future Blockchain Projects May Give New Meaning to its Name

Juniper Research has released the results of a survey indicating that International Business Machines (IBM) is the top provider of Blockchain among all other companies, with...

Can Cryptocurrency Debit Cards Increase Day-to-Day Usage of Digital Coins?

With less than a quarter of Americans using cash in their day-to-day purchases, it’s more evidence that society is becoming an increasingly cashless environment. On the other...


Tech giant Microsoft has joined the Cornell Tech-based Initiative for Cryptocurrencies and Contracts (IC3) research effort, it was announced today. Yorke E. Rhodes III, global blockchain business strategist...