Tag: Colombia


To combat tax evasion, Colombia intends to introduce digital currency.

The Colombian government made plans to introduce a virtual currency public. This new currency would have several goals, including reducing tax evasion and improving...

According to BBVA, Colombians Constitute 20% of Users of New Generation Crypto-Powered Accounts.

Latam users are very interested in BBVA's crypto-powered solutions, according to a recent article published by the private bank with headquarters in Spain. According...

The Colombian Financial Superintendence has unveiled a project to regulate cryptocurrency service providers.

A project from Colombia's Financial Superintendence aims to clarify how future interactions between banks and virtual asset service providers (VASPs) will be managed. Before...

Colombia will issue land registry certificates using the Ripple Ledger.

The Ripple Ledger will be used by the Colombian government's new system to store and authenticate property titles. The National Land Agency hopes to...

Colombia Takes First Steps Towards Cryptocurrency Exchange Regulation

In its first meeting, Colombia's Congress approved a bill that regulates the behavior of cryptocurrency exchanges in the country, taking the first steps toward...

Colombian Central Bank to Test R3 Distributed Ledger Software

Banco de la República Colombia, the South American nation's central bank, has made an agreement with software company R3 to test its distributed ledger...