Home Africa Regulatory Body for Moroccan Capital Markets Opens Fintech Portal

Regulatory Body for Moroccan Capital Markets Opens Fintech Portal


The Moroccan Capital Market Authority (AMMC), which oversees the country’s capital markets, recently declared the opening of a fintech portal on its website. To make communication between the regulator and “companies involved in the innovative financial technology sector” easier, a new portal has been developed.

The Moroccan Capital Market Authority (AMMC), which oversees Morocco’s capital markets, recently announced the opening of a new fintech portal on its website. “Support market players in their projects and promote the development of new technologies that will help transform the financial sector” is the new portal’s stated goal

“Supporting the appeal of the capital market also means embracing innovation in the financial sector, according to the Moroccan Capital Market Authority. The Authority intends to collaborate closely with project managers to foster the development of new technologies in the Moroccan capital market and has positioned innovation support at the center of its 2021–2023 strategic plan, according to a statement.

The fintech portal offers a platform that allows innovators to “ask about the legal framework applicable to their companies,” according to the statement, in addition to opening a channel for project leaders to communicate with the regulator.

The creation of the fintech portal by the AMMC, according to a statement, demonstrates the regulator’s readiness to accept innovations in the financial services sector.


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