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Anonymous Crypto Exchanges Are Scams

This November 28 and 29, 2018, CoinFeeds team were there at the Blockchain Expo North America. We witnessed hundreds of real usecase platform having their booth at the expo.
Unlike 2017 Expo which was all about ICOs and fundraising, this year blockchain expo was all about gaining exposures and functional usecases. Based on our many experiences, 2018 has completely sidelined the ICOs and scammers due to strong government regulations and activities. Millions crypto investors have been victimized because of fake ICOs and milions of crypto users have been scammed by the anonymous crypto exchanges across the globe. Gyanendra Khadka who is the founder of XcelTrip, blockchain based travel platform just recently launched his own self-funded crypto exchange platform to bring transparency and safety in the crypto exchange fields.
Hob has strongly said during his speech at the Blockchain Expo, All other anonymous crypto exchanges are scammers and fake. They have been scamming millions of users around the world and now is the time to avoid all of them and play a real game to completely eradicate those fake platforms. Since Binance and other major crypto exchanges have moved to blockchain heaven malta, CoinGeo team has also decided to operate from Malta. Unlike all other exchanges, CoinGeo don’t have its own crypto token and no plans to go for any ICOs or fund raising.
Team behind CoinGeo says ” CoinGeo is built to serve the crypto community. There is no listing fees for good crypto projects and 0% trading fees for the first 6 months to all users on its platform.
CoinGeo major Attractions:
– No Listing Fee with strong KYC process
– No Trading & Withdrawal Fees for the first 6 months.
– Integrated Hot & Cold Wallet
– 24hrs/call/chat/email service
– Real People / Public Location
– Very Secure Crypto Platform backed by XcelTrip.


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